Sunday, December 14, 2014

Getting Started - 3rd round of learning

The 3rd round of Learning at Joint-Use Library launches on January 5th and concludes on January 26th. This time around, we will cover the following topics --

Week 1, Makerspace
Week 2, How does my smartphone work? (Plus "What the heck is Near Field Communication?")
Week 3, Table Computing (Plus "What's an app?")
Week 4, Gamification

Each learning session represents a total weekly time commitment of 30 – 60 minutes. We've added a new section to each blog post. It's entitled "Why is this topic important". We hope to improve everyone's understanding of how the topics are connected to your work and your professional development.

Any staff member who finishes all four learning sessions will receive a cool JUL Learning button. AND if you complete all four sessions by February 9th, you will be eligible for a prize drawing.

A huge thank you to Alex. She's the best blogging partner ever!