Monday, June 9, 2014

Web 3.0

To successfully complete Web 3.0:

READ this blog post.
DO and THINK about the information in the "Learn More About" activities.
LEARN by completing the Hands-On Activities.

Your total time commitment is about 50 minutes.

Introduction to Web 3.0.

The Internet paradigm is shifting again. We're riding the Web 3.0 wave. Information is searched for, filtered, personalized, and delivered to end users based on preferences, feedback, and location. Web 3.0 utilizes rich applications and social media introduced with Web 2.0 and delivers it to mobile devices and networks -- even digital signage.

The semantic web is an evolving extension of Web 3.0. It focuses on common formats for integration and a combination of data drawn from diverse sources and language for capturing / labeling how data relates to real world objects. Information is tagged in relationship to use and context. As a result, similar information can be delivered more effectively to humans and their devices.

In Web 3.0, search will retrieve tagged micro content that solves part of the ambiguity of homonyms and synonyms. Search will be more vertical with contextual information based on user preferences delivered across platforms and to devices based on their individual characteristics.

Learning More about Web 3.0
  1. Watch Web 3.0 - The Internet of Things (4:29 minutes)
  2. Read (or at least skim)Web 3.0 Has Begun, an online article at ACM Interactions. (20 minutes)
  3. Read Semantic Web at the W3C web site. (10 minutes)
  4. Read Google Brings Intelligent Search to Google+ Photos (5 minutes)
  5. Read Knowledge Graph at Wikipedia (5 minutes)
Hands-on Activities (5 minutes)
  1. Visit the Whitney Houston community page on Facebook. Not on Facebook? Do this activity with a co-worker.
  2. Find friends who listen to her music.
  3. Locate friends' photos that include her name in a caption or any posts mentioning the artist.
  4. Visit the biographical and the discography sections of Whitney's community page.
Get credit!
After you have completed the activities in this post, please fill out this form.

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